28 December 2009

Hush Hush

Overheard my neighbors talking while reading Zafra's Twisted 8 and contemplating on my New Year's resolution.

Woman 1: Tumataba ka ngayon ah.
Woman 2: Talaga?
Woman 1: Oo. Ang taba mo. Pumuputi ka pa.
Woman 2: Ganyan talaga. Hiyang sa tamod! *burst of deafening laughter*

I felt embarrassed for them. Do they really to be that vulgar? I have issues with people who are too vulgar and too loud. Even if they're my friends. Its fine once in a while but methinks a little moderation is a must when you're out in the public. Profanity and expletives are fine and, yes, maybe needed sometimes. But a little sensitivity to others is really admirable.

1 comment:

  1. You wrote:

    Its fine (profanities) once in a while but methinks a little moderation is a must when you're out in the public..

    Yeah.. I agree with that.. It's just "amazing" that people can be as vulgar as that though they know they were being heard... ^_^


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